How often should I attend class?

To get the most out of your training here, we recommend 2 to 3 days per week. Consistent attendance along with practice outside of class are important.

I am new new to kungfu and qigong, can I still participate?

Yes! Our classes are open to all fitness and experience levels. We love beginners!

Is there a uniform?

All students wear the school t-shirt, black kungfu pants (loose workout pants are fine) and kungfu shoes to class. The shoes must have a flat sole (no arch support) and must not be worn on the street.

Do you have a ranking system?

We do not because we are a traditional kungfu school and believe that the emphasis should be on dedicated training. Each individual enters training with varying physical abilities and learns at their own pace. Although a grading system may provide great motivation for some students, we feel that the changes you feel in your body, mind and spirit will be very inspiring. You will be rewarded with dramatically improved flexibility, memory, speed, strength, confidence and overall health. As the student continues learning, more advance routines will be introduced and after some proficiency, the opportunity to join demo team will be made available.

I’ve always wanted to learn kungfu but I’m afraid that I’m just too out of shape.

We encourage you to start with our Dynamic Qigong class. The stretches, drills, stances and principles, are the same as those in kungfu class. The main difference is that qigong class is of light to moderate intensity with a focus on breathing technique, mobility drills and stretches. You will become stronger, more coordinated and develop good endurance. You’ll also be learning some basics that are very important for kungfu class. When you’re ready, you may join kungfu class if you wish.

Get the most out of your training

    1. Do not eat for an hour before class. The energy that you will need for class will be used on digesting your food. You may end up getting a headache or cramps. If you are hungry and feel like you need more energy, light snacks such as fruit (especially bananas) and nuts are more suitable.
    2. Start hydrating a few hours before class. This will help you to need less water during class. Too much water at the start of class and during class may also lead to cramping.
    3. Practice and Attendance. Stretch and practice at home whenever you can. Attend class 2 to 3 times per week.
    4. Mindset to get the most benefit out of every class Think of our school as a mini retreat. Remember that you are here to do something kind for yourself. When you arrive, leave thoughts of the errands you have to run or the problems at your job etc, at the door.