“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
― Lao Tzu

Veronica Samos

I have always been a fan martial arts and had been actively practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu when a friend took me to one of the first Shaolin Wheel of Life shows in the late 1990’s. It combined history, Chan (Zen) meditation, music and other elements of Chinese culture with a fantastic performance of martial arts. Although learning Shaolin was still a few years away, this show was the thing that inspired me to learn the Shaolin martial arts of qigong and kungfu. In 2004, I started training with the Venerable Shifu Guolin (“Iron Arhat”) and his brother Shifu Chao Hai Lan in Manhattan.

As demanding as my kungfu/qigong education under Shifu Guolin was, it was exactly what I wanted … training for mind, body and spirit. I was curious to see how the mental training, physical conditioning and deep breath work could enhance martial arts training in general. Ten years later, I joined Coban’s Muay Thai Camp in New York City. Training with the legendary Coban Lookchaomaesaitong provided me with an opportunity to prove (or disprove) for myself the benefits gained from my practice under Shifu Guolin.

In 2010, when Shifu Guolin suggested that I start teaching my own classes, I humbly accepted. It has been a privilege to share my knowledge by teaching in a variety of class settings which include after school/enrichment programs, workshops and private lessons. I love teaching children and adults of all ages, but one of the projects nearest and dearest to my heart was a qigong class for autistic young adults. In 2012, I opened and was co-owner (until 2020) of Manhattan Shaolin in Soho, New York.

It is no wonder that traditional martial arts culture, with its foundation of respect, dedication to hard work and self reliance attracts a wonderful community of artistic, spirited and disciplined people. I am truly blessed to have learned these arts and grateful to be able to share it with others.