Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be”
~ James Arthur Baldwin
Dear Freedom Fighters:
If only we hadn’t complied with frivolous rules and regulations…
If only we hadn’t obeyed laws that were not compatible with our rights as human beings…
If only we hadn’t given consent to false authorities who tell us what to do…
If only we had defied unjust mandates because we knew they were empty commands and NOT laws…
If only we had the courage to stop following the crowd when we know they are ignorant…
If only we had jealously guarded our freedom rather than trading it in for the easier, more entertaining, more convenient and safer path…
If only we had protected our freedom in the first place,
we would not have to fight to get it back.
Who’s Responsibility Is It?
We blame government, authorities, experts, corporations, leaders. How did they get this power over us?
Should we as obeyers, order followers, consumers, the complicit and the consenters be held accountable too?
The Difference Between a Freedom Fighter and Freedom Protector
- Freedom Protectors are self reliant and independent from the system;
Freedom Fighters demand that the system change for them so that they stop feeling victimized. - Freedom Protectors ignore illegitimate authority, never giving them power;
Freedom Fighters must petition tyrannical authority, hoping they concede.
Traits of a Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighters create heroes and martyrs out of ordinary people; they invoke past idols to justify their actions.
Freedom Fighters rely on fame (big names, idols) and fortune (funding) to legitimize their cause.
Freedom Fighters need attention to attain their goals.
Freedom Fighters are powered by emotions of fear, anger and desperation.
Freedom Fighters either need to lead a flock or need to follow a leader.
Freedom Fighters seek justice from those they chose to rule over them.
Traits of a Freedom Protector
Freedom Protectors ask questions, even if it makes them outcasts.
Freedom Protectors are not popular; they do not need nor want attention.
Freedom Protectors are willing to give up certain privileges to maintain their sovereignty.
Freedom Protectors say “no”, “I do not consent”, “I will not comply” even if they stand alone.
Freedom Protectors are led by principle, love and truth.
Freedom Protectors lead themselves, are independent of the system and create their own solutions.